Our Mission

Dear Turkish People,

I am writing these lines as an invitation. I appeal to you as a society that remembers the values ​​of the Ottoman Empire and comes together in the beauties of our culture. Let's all carry the treasures of our past to the present and keep this great legacy alive.

As a generation that longs for traditional clothes, we invite you to dress in accordance with the elegance and nobility of the Ottoman Empire. This call expresses not only a change in our clothing, but also the desire to transfer the splendor of our past to the present.

Each of us is the heir of the magnificent civilization of the Ottoman Empire. It is our duty to protect this heritage, protect our traditions and protect our cultural values. The fire of patriotism in our hearts should drive us to fulfill this duty devotedly.

Let's decorate our hearts with the magic of the Ottoman Empire. By wearing the fez with pride, let's get closer to understanding our past and passing it on to future generations.

Let's not forget that the way we dress reflects not only our appearance but also our identity. By walking in the footsteps of our past, we take firmer steps into the future.

May Türkiye and the legacy of our ancestors live forever!